The Immersive Tech Network has been working with industry and academia to scope out the direction of travel for four new working groups: on (1) Ethics, (2) Sustainability, (3) Accessibility, and (4) Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in XR.

We’re now looking for 2 Co-Chairs for each group to help us identify what to address first in the formation of these four working groups. The role will chair quarterly meetings and shape outputs from the group that will add value to the wider XR community. The role is not compensated as these Working Groups are supported by voluntary participation. If this sounds like something you’d like to be involved in, please email our team as follows:

Subject: Working Group Co-Chair: Ethics (specify which group) 
To:, and

Please share a brief introduction about you and relevant experience for the role.

The remits of the Working Groups will be as follows:


  • Law & regulation (data collection and privacy in the embodied web)
  • Content and responsible development (safety/harassment/manipulation/human rights/deep fakes)
  • Interoperability & ethics (monitoring ethical practice when tech blends)
  • Digital divide & inequalities
  • Case studies, research & education (including definitions of terms and technologies)


  • Discussing various forms of technology and varying degrees of barriers to entry
  • Funding
  • Internal barriers to entry – within a business
  • Barriers in the industry
  • Partnerships

Sustainability will address two major strands of work:

  • How to make the XR industry more sustainable
    • Guidance on best practice and roadmap to carbon neutral
    • Tools (carbon footprint calculation, resource hub) and Certification for industry
    • Case studies and Research
    • Financial implications and support
    • Hardware
  • How to promote the use of XR technology in other sectors to aid their net zero agendas


  • Provide an opportunity to come together in the fragmented landscape to stay abreast of what initiatives are happening to build momentum and greater impact collectively and collaborate towards creating a wholistic pipeline of support and national scope.