A VR digital manufacturing simulation of a product build process. Engaging clients at shows and presentations around the world.

This is a fully animated Digital Twin pushing the power of Meta Quet 3 to its limits. The entire factory was simulated for users to become fully immersed in a high-tech digital simulation.

Problem to Solve:

The client needed a way to transport global customers to their facility and offer the most life-like experience available with modern technology. They also needed a frictionless solution for the sales team to easily deploy during meetings.


We created a fully immersive virtual reality experience, enabling customers to move around the factory to experience any area of interest. They could even view robotic cells that would otherwise be too dangerous to visit in real life.

We also designed an all-in-one flight case with all the kit needed to simply pick up and go. A remote support tool was also installed to ensure a smooth presentation at all times.