Project Mobius will transform Higher Education learning and teaching using immersive visualization technology.

An Innovate UK funded partnership between the University of Glasgow’s Centre for the Study of Perceptual Experience & Sublime, the project is developing high-quality immersive teaching interventions for core subject curricula.

Custom VR and AR apps will allow Mobius to collect more segmented, higher quality active and passive learner data, and data about the learning process itself. These rich new data will then inform pedagogy, curriculum development, and learner trajectory.

Pathfinder immersive VR teaching applications – Mobius’s initial 10 apps are:

– Teacher-led concepts – uniquely suited to immersive technology (AR or VR)

– Core to the subject – relevant across diverse curricula​

– The platform is extensible – progressively more apps developed and added.

The project is currently is ongoing, and we seek a handful of full test-bed institutions. Interested?

Get in touch!