Supporting the creation of new connections across all industries innovating in immersive tech in the UK is central to our work.  There is a wealth of expertise and talent in our UK immersive tech sector and significant levels of R&D happening in a large number of industries and universities.

Helping to join the dots and making introductions means we can help organisations speed up their innovation and growth.

Find customers, partners, professional advisors, solution providers and beyond in The Directory

Build your supply chain through The Directory, the shop front for UK companies, universities and individuals innovating in Immersive tech in the UK today.

Profile your business and showcase your latest products, services, applications and content in The Directory, the definitive guide to the UK’s immersive tech sector. Find and connect with new markets, customers and collaborators. Promote and showcase what you do on a national and global stage. Find out more about The Directory.

Connect to and find projects using immersive tech across universities and all industries on the Community Hub

The Community Hub is there for you to let members know about a new product launch, new research you are undertaking, and more. If you are looking for or offering a PhD or work placement, we also have a jobs board where you can post vacancies.

45% of respondents in our 2019 Immersive Economy Report found that difficulty in recruiting talented individuals with the right skills was a blocker to success.  Use our Hub to help you connect with the right talent when you need it. Find out more and start posting to the R&D Project Board.

You can also post job vacancies directly or find a new job for yourself. View our Jobs board or post a new job.

Join us at our specialist, sector focused events, which tackle the pressing issues that slow down R&D and barriers to innovation. Our events are curated in line with members’ needs and industry demands.

Our sector-focused events create opportunities to network and to find out more about industry developments and our speed networking events give you an opportunity to meet with new clients or collaborators. Find out more about our upcoming events.

To find out more about what the Immersive Tech Network can do for you, sign up for our newsletter.