
An immersive education
30 July 2020
Sarune Savickaite Data Scientist at Edify & Sublime and PhD candidate in VR applications in Psychology at the University of Glasgow shares more about how immersive technology has the potential to open new dimensions in the way we teach and learn.

Digital Catapult’s Augmentor Programme: applications closing soon
23 July 2020
Digital Catapult’s 12-week acceleration programme for early-stage businesses developing innovative and commercially-focused immersive solutions closes for applications on 29 July 2020.

Manufacturing Made Smarter Challenge aims to support the development of digital supply chains
9 July 2020
Find out more about the current competition open for innovative digital solutions to enable integration and optimisation of manufacturing supply chains.

New discounts on accountancy and cashflow services for corporate members
1 July 2020
Immerse UK corporate members can now benefit from discounts on accountancy services from the Accountancy Cloud and GetMyMuse

June Lunchtime Live webinar programme announced
4 June 2020
Find out more about our two Lunchtime Live webinars in June that will address key challenges and opportunities facing the UK’s immersive tech sector.

A guide to XR and improving wellbeing
28 May 2020
Sarah Ticho, founder of Hatsumi and Immerse UK healthcare lead shares more about how XR can contribute to our wellbeing in the age of Covid-19 (and beyond), and gives a comprehensive guide to the latest innovations in this growing sector.

Immersed in the latest healthcare innovations
26 May 2020
The recently published Promise of Immersive Healthcare report explores how immersive technology can be used to create healthcare innovations

Immerse UK events programme in May
4 May 2020
We may still be in lockdown, but we are busy cracking on with a packed online events programme running throughout May to support for the immersive community.

Augmented reality gives AMRC a perfect solution to manufacture medical ventilators in response to Covid-19
27 April 2020
Futuristic headsets programmed to enable skilled aerospace and automotive production line operatives to rapidly switch to the manufacture life-saving medical ventilators.

The Future of Work in VR: a series of virtual events announced
16 April 2020
Immerse UK has teamed up with HTC VIVE for a free series of online virtual events: The Future of Work in VR, starting from 21 April. Join us to explore the adoption of VR in the workplace – and how you and your business could benefit.

How is Digital Catapult helping UK companies lead the way in immersive tech?
25 March 2020
We recently caught up with Jessica Driscoll, Head of Immersive Technology at Digital Catapult, who shares more about why the UK is leading the revolution in VR and AR, and what we should look out for in 2020.

Resources available to help support businesses and individuals in response to Covid-19
23 March 2020
In light of the Coronavirus pandemic, Immerse UK are supporting the immersive tech community by building an online resource to help to signpost support advice and guidance.